Harmony at home for all ages

Being at Home with the Kids - How to Thrive

This webinar looks at some practical ways you can support your children and ensure more harmony at home. We look at how to get kids to cooperate and to adjust to this new normal. How to listen to their feelings and how to help them adjust to all the changes now and beyond.

Bringing Out The Best in Your Children

This webinar will teach you practical techniques to help your children feel good about themselves and allow their confidence, motivation and behaviour to improve and to be the best they can be.

How to Develop Your Child's Emotional Intelligence

This webinar will give you new skills to build real rapport and closeness with your children so that they talk to you more about their lives and feel understood. It demonstrates skills that allow parents to help children to recognise, process and manage their emotions.

Fostering Sibling Harmony

This webinar will give you practical skills to help your children be more tolerant and considerate of each other and resolve arguments successfully. We will show you how much can be done to make it easier for your children to like each other and more.

Positive Discipline: Toddlers Through to Teens

Many parents find disciplining their children extremely hard. We teach parents ways of achieving a balance so that they can be both positive and firm at the same time, and discipline techniques that really work without causing any harm to the child or the relationship with the parent.

When Your Kids Push Your Buttons and How to Stay Calm

This webinar helps you to establish practices which help you to remain calm more often and to be positive and effective in teaching your children to behave well, creating 'teachable moments'.

Never Have to Ask Twice!

Do you often feel that your children don’t listen to you, ignore you or defy you? You end up repeating yourself only to result in shouting and threatening your children. In this webinar you will learn why children don’t listen and what you can do as a parent to encourage them to listen and follow instructions.

Making home schooling / homework happier

This webinar will help you ensure that home schooling becomes less time consuming less stressful and more positive. It will look at how to get children to be more motivated and self-reliant, while reducing stress.

Screen Time Sanity

With so many children now using screens for home schooling and socialising, the biggest question parents ask now is how do we get a sense of balance? Communication and connection are essential if we are to keep our children safe and healthy. Coercion and control can be detrimental to relationships.

Helping Children Deal with Life's Knocks

Parents play a vital part in building strong self-esteem and resilience in their children. . This seminar will provide you with practical strategies for encouraging in children a ‘can-do’ attitude and willingness to persevere and ability to pick themselves up and try again after a setback.

Understanding your child

Difficult of Different

Do you sometimes feel your child is different? They may or may not have been diagnosed with specific learning difficulties, but for a variety of reasons they struggle with life educationally and/or socially. This webinar will give you the practical tools to celebrate difference, unlock strengths and provide hope.

Communicating with Girls - The Power of Words

Words are especially important to girls. This seminar will look at what girls are trying to communicate and demonstrate constructive ways for you to respond preventing verbal shut down and conversational dead ends.

Girls and Friendships

This webinar examines five different stages in a girl’s life and what she needs from relationships with parents and friends in each stage. It looks at what to do when you don’t like your daughter’s friends and what to do when she falls out with her friends or she’s subject to bullying.

Understanding a Boys World and Helping Boys Thrive in it

This webinar addresses what it's like to be a man today and what kind of men we want our sons to grow up to be. We look at how to encourage those qualities in our boys while they're growing up.

Raising Boys

This webinar looks at the many positive qualities of boys and how these qualities can also present challenges to the boys themselves, and also to their parents, and how we can channel them effectively. We look at practical ways to help boys do and be the best they can, whether that's at school or at home, and in life generally.

Navigating Anxiety

Studies show that as many as 1 in 6 young people will experience an anxiety condition at some point in their lives. This webinar will help you know when a worry is too big and how to help your children. It will teach you how to spot anxiety, understand anxiety, and how to teach your child to deal with it.

Different ages and stages and life events

The Big Return to School

As we move to the next stage, however that’s defined or whenever it comes, it’s vital that as parents you know -how to get your children emotionally ready, how to help them continue to be emotionally strong, how to build resilience so that they can cope with the changes, and how to build their confidence.

Starting Big School - How to Make it Easy for Parent & Child

In this webinar you will learn how as a parent you can prepare your child for school by building their confidence and equipping them with strategies to help them have a successful and happy time at school.

Why Can't You Buy Me One? Preventing a Sesne of Entitlement

This webinar will help you strike a balance between rewarding your children and not over-indulging them. You will learn how to help your children earn their rewards and absorb the kind of values that set them up for life.

Surviving the Holiday Season

This webinar explores some seasonal top tips to ensuring all families set up for success so that instead of trouble shooting and being reactive, a few proactive steps ahead of time will ensure you are likely to weather any festive family snowstorm.


“Children, just like adults, become overwhelmed and frozen when given too much choice…With too many toys, they’re more likely to flit from activity to activity rather than engage deeply in one. Buying more toys is often indulged in by parents because they hope it will mean that the child will want them less. But guess what? It doesn’t work.” 

- Philippa Perry
